2024-2025 PTSA Committees


8th Grade Dance
Committee Chair(s): Teri Germany            

This event is planned and executed by a group of committee chairs responsible for organizing, arranging for food and beverages, publicizing the event, and recruiting volunteers to help with decorations, set up, chaperone, serving food and clean up.


Activity Night
6th grade Committee Chairs: Nisha Saria 
7th grade Committee Chair(s): Cristy Moreira          

Activity night gives the students an opportunity to get together with their classmates and have some fun.  Activity night is held at the school between 4:30-6:00PM including music, food and activities for the classes. A perfect opportunity for dads to show their FUN side by helping with games and activities. Parent volunteers help with publicizing the event and recruiting volunteers to help with coordinating parent/teacher chaperones, serving food, set up and clean up.


Committee Chair: Kim Swenson Provides updates and maintains the Simpson PTSA website and calendar as necessary. Compiles, edits, and distributes monthly email newsletter, “Eagle Eye,” which is published throughout the school year.

Committee Chair: Kinnari Sheth Shares text messages via Remind.

Committee Chair: TBD Assists with administration of our PTSA FB page

Committee Chair: TBD Assists with administration of our LinkTree page.

Email your notices/questions to communications@simpsonptsa.org


Cultural Connections Committee (CCC)
Committee Chair: Racquel Anderson and Co Chair open
Promote, welcome, advocate and support the entire Simpson community, culturally and linguistically, in a secular way, shining the spotlight on performing/fine arts, literature, cuisines, etc. of various cultures.


Environmental Initiatives
Committee Chair: TBD 
Co-ordinate supplies and volunteers for school grounds beautification projects and other sustainable initiatives in collaboration with school and clubs.


Health and Wellness
Committee Chair: Shonda Lawary

Student health and well being to be supported via activities and programs throughout the year. Mental health wellness will also be addressed.

Email: healthandwellness@simpsonptsa.org


Hearing and Vision
Committee Chair: Katie Cardello

Volunteers will help with hearing and vision screening run by school.


Hospitality: Teacher/Staff Appreciation
Committee Chair(s): Teri Germany, Joanna Callis and Karen Devine

Organizes events throughout the year to recognize the efforts of our teachers and staff.

Email: hospitality@simpsonptsa.org


International Night
Committee Chair: Priyanka Wadhwa and Oana Carstoiu

An evening filled with cultural enrichment, Simpson families will participate by bringing a display board, craft, food samples and traditional performances.


Kindness Initiative
Committee Chair: Amanda Duffy

Plan and coordinate kindness activities for Simpson Students

Email: kindness@simpsonptsa.org


Committee Chair: Bill Ruhsam 
Provide updates on any relevant legislation and potential impacts to PTSA and its mission. Monitors and communicates current legislative issues on education and information on voter registration.


Committee Chair: Kelly Tamayo

This committee is responsible for data input of PTA members, collating membership benefit packets and cards, and ensuring that they are distributed to all members in a timely manner. It also entails working with the Treasurer each month to submit appropriate forms to Georgia PTA.

Email: membership@simpsonptsa.org


Partners in Education
Committee Chair(s): Holly McCaleb and Co Chair open

Solicits, organizes, and communicates with community business partners to provide support for our school at a variety of functions. Works closely with the school’s representative responsible for our Partners in Education. Promotes important relationships with our business community who support our PTA.


Red Ribbon Week

Committee Chair: Kim Lindsay 

Student driven “Red Ribbon Week”, the longest-running and largest anti-drug campaign initiative in the US. As a volunteer, you will work directly with the student team and School Principal on theme and activities to bring awareness to issues which safeguard our children. Coordinate decorations, communication and anything else to support the school's vision.

Email: redribbonweek@simpsonptsa.org


Committee Chair: Kim Massey & Liliane Alexander

This is a National PTA program that encourages artistic expression in dance, film, music, literature, visual arts, and photography. This committee promotes the program, assembles a panel of judges to select category winners for submission and recognizes students that participate.

Email: reflections@simpsonptsa.org


School Supply Boxes
Committee Chair: Kelly Baldwin
Responsible for selecting a company for prepackaged school supplies, placing orders, and distributing orders to families on Soaring Day.



Silent Auction
Committee Chair: TBD 
Coordinate and leads efforts for this annual PTSA fundraiser.


Student Recognition
Committee Chair: Stephanie Gouvera
Responsible for planning and coordinating PBIS rewards for Simpson Students.


Spirit Wear
Committee Chair: Claire Bruce

Encourages school spirit, primarily through spirit wear available for sale on Simpson PTSA Website. Responsible for selecting a company for production, placing orders, and distributing orders to students.

Email: spiritwear@simpsonptsa.org


Committee Chair: Bob Konopelski 

STEAMapalooza is a popular fun evening event focusing on all things STEAM related.